Gecko Ranch captive bred Day Gecko's Source for captive-bred Geckos and supplies
Blue Chameleon Ventures Top quality herp photography, guided ecotours to Madagascar, slide lectures, and select captive-bred reptiles.
Phelsuma Web and forum. English and Dutch discussion and information on Phelsuma species
Tropiflora Online lots of plants for the terrarium including sansevieria, bromeliads, orchids, and other native plants
IG Phelsuma - Phelsuma interest group based in Germany (German language)
Autumn Lab - Dr. Kellar Autumn Research focusing on physiology, biomechanics, and evolution of animal
locomotion, and applications in the design of legged climbing robots and novel adhesives
Living Art Publishing Publisher of high-quality turtle and tortoise, snake, spider, lizard, and
crocodilian books