www.sulcata-station.org For the best information on sulcata husbandry:
A Great book on Sulcata Tortoises written by my good friend Russ Gurley. Frankie’s baby picture is on page 17 and 22. www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0976733420/gregleannsleapinA/
To more about my adventures visit Frankie Tortoise Tails: htt://www.frankietortoisetails.com
Where to hang out, learn about sulcata and share with other sulcata lovers: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/sulcatastation/
What Frankie’s mom really does: http://www.daygecko.com/
Harpo & Friends: A truly inspired story about life with a large sulcata tortoise. A must read for anyone who wants to put a sulcata tortoise in their lives. http://www.harpoandfriends.com